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News March 2024

Jersey Good Business Charter 2024 Update

2024 is going to be a transformative year for the Jersey Good Business Charter.


We are delighted to be bringing back the Business Is Good conference to St Helier in Quarter 3 2024. This will be a high-profile event with international speakers that celebrates business as a force for good in our Island society and highlights the achievements of Charter members for Jersey.

In addition to our international keynotes there will be opportunities for corporate Charter members to speak, and participate on panels with local political and civic leaders and to have their good business stories celebrated in front of the whole local business community.

We will be issuing some discounted tickets to each corporate Charter member for their people for the event – details to follow. Event comms will be launched in April, through the usual channels.

Business is Good will be followed by some other smaller events in partnership with other bodies in the business community.


In March 2024 we are opening up the new Silver level membership accreditation process to new applicants. We already have four corporate candidates for upgrading, and one business who already beta-tested the Silver standard with us at the end of 2023. They will be ready in principle for the award of their accreditation at Business is Good.

We will be giving all existing corporate Charter members £[1,000] off the assessment fee if they commence their Silver assessment process during 2024.

Silver is about the journey from credible ethical intent to evidenced ethical outcomes across sixty credible criteria. This standard therefore celebrates the evidence-based achievement of good impacts on customers, suppliers, people, community and environment.

The present standard level of membership will be revised and rebranded as a new “Bronze” tier. This level is based on the demonstration of resolved ethical intent across the same sixty criteria as the Silver standard. All existing corporate members of the charter will be offered the opportunity to transfer their standard memberships to the Bronze tier on the basis of a validation of their prior commitments.

At the same time the Standard level will be opened up as a self-declared entry-level tier for businesses who wish to commit to the Good Business journey.


We will be consulting with corporate members in 2024 on a simpler, member-led and member-owned organisation, where you the members will set the strategy, decide on fees (if any) and can do everything except the award of the accredited standard to each other.

While this consultation is happening the work of the Charter will be continued by Simon Soar and Simon Nash and Tim Rogers of the

Simon Soar has worked in a number of local businesses, charities and trade associations, including most recently with Caring Cooks, Jersey Hospitality and Policy Centre Jersey. Simon will be developing the network of charter members and contributing to the events programme.

Simon Nash will be no stranger to most of you. He has been working in the field of business ethics in Jersey for the past seven years and has recently developed the assessment framework that has been adopted for Silver level of membership for the Charter. Tim Rogers works with Insight clients on a number of business ethics and transformation projects, and will be an accredited assessor for the Bronze and Silver assessments.

The Board of the Good Business Charter will continue to be chaired by Heather-Anne Hubbell, one of Jersey’s leading experts in corporate governance and the CEO of a tech start-up.

We anticipate that 2024 will be the last year in which corporate members pay the current level of annual subscriptions, as the Charter shifts more to a ‘user-pays’ model based on accreditations and events, with a much smaller level of annual subs to cover a lighter-touch central governance and comms.

Membership Fees

Corporate subscription
A new tier of membership for “micro” business (below 10 employees) is launched.
Annual membership subscriptions w.e.f. 1/1/24 are

Micro: was £450 now £150
Small: was £450 now £300
Medium: was £950 now £450
Large: was £1450 now £750

Assessment fees for accreditation

Standard level: Free of charge

Bronze level: £1,000 (for three years).
This includes a site visit with an Assessor / Council Member but no inspection of documents.

Silver level: £3,000 (for three years).
This includes a site visit with both an Assessor and a Council Member with inspection of sampled documents.

Gold level (2025): £5,000 (for three years).
This includes a site visit with an assessor team, inspection of documents, and meetings with customers, suppliers and staff.

This is a temporary page set-up for The Jersey Good Business Charter March 2024.